What is Cryptocurrency Mining Malware

What is Cryptocurrency Mining Malware

Cryptocurrency mining malware is typically a very stealthy malware that uses the resources on people’s devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.), without their consent or knowledge, to secretly mine cryptocurrency and generate revenue for the cyber criminals controlling it.

The main problem is that the mining process overtaxes the infected device’s hardware, leading to overheating and even permanent damage. The malware developers have no interest in keeping the device functional beyond the time required for them to extract as much cryptocurrency as possible from it.

The vast number of active mobile devices globally, the lack of security on most of them, and the eagerness with which people download applications make malicious cryptocurrency mining on mobile devices increasingly easy for malicious actors.
Instead of building a dedicated cryptomining computer, hackers use cryptojacking to steal computing resources from their victims’ devices.

How to protect your phone from cryptocurrency mining malware?
Just like with other malware, sticking to official websites to download applications still applies as a rule of thumb. Keeping your software up-to-date and using appropriate antivirus software, same way you would safeguard your PC, would greatly reduce the risks of cryptocurrency mining operation attacks on your mobile device.