Watch Out for Sneaky Malware Named Latrodectus in Phishing Emails

Watch Out for Sneaky Malware Named Latrodectus in Phishing Emails

Since around November 2023, there’s been a new kind of malicious software (malware) called Latrodectus spreading through phishing emails. This malware is tricky because it’s designed to dodge detection, making it hard for security systems to spot. It behaves similarly to another malware called IcedID, which bad actors used to sell unauthorized access to other hackers, allowing them to do more damage. Experts think that more cybercriminals will start using Latrodectus, especially those who used to use IcedID.

To protect yourself from Latrodectus and similar threats, be cautious when opening emails from unknown senders or clicking on links or attachments, especially if they seem suspicious or unexpected. Ensure that your device and your antivirus & anti-phishing software are up-to-date, as they may help detect and block phishing attacks and malware.
Being vigilant and practicing good cybersecurity habits can go a long way in keeping your devices and data safe from harmful malware like Latrodectus.