Update Android Device Whenever Prompted

Update Android Device Whenever Prompted

If you want to keep your Android smartphone or any other device thoroughly secure, you should care about keeping your apps and operating system up-to-date.

Not updating your OS (Operating System) puts devices at risk of various security threats. That is because many malware and bugs can attack through the vulnerabilities or loopholes in older versions of the software.

The issues can become even bigger with some applications (and some devices) that are favorites for the virus and bugs. For example, Google Pixel is one of those Android phones that need extra protection.

To address all such concerns, you need to keep your smartphone (and your apps) updated regularly. There are typically periodic updates to both of these that not only add new features, but also offer tightened security.

If you don’t like the automatic updates functionality on mobile devices, watch for software update notifications and reminders that may pop up on your screen and install the patches manually as soon as you have the time.