How to Stop Getting So Much Spam Emails

How to Stop Getting So Much Spam Emails

Spam or unsolicited e-mail is a big business for those selling goods and services, and those providing the facilities to send SPAM. Most of the spam messages you receive in…
Avoid Using Debit Cards Online

Avoid Using Debit Cards Online

When you make an online payment, avoid using debit cards. Or anything tied directly to your bank account in fact. With most debit cards you are not protected against fraud…
What is Spoofing and How To Prevent it?

What is Spoofing and How To Prevent it?

Spoofing is the act of disguising a communication or identity so that it appears to be associated with a trusted, authorized source.Like most cyber attacks, spoofing relies on social engineering…
Pre-installed apps: Your Android Phone May Spy on You!

Pre-installed apps: Your Android Phone May Spy on You!

Would you have imagined that a brand-new mobile phone straight from the factory comes with pre-installed spyware? Most people are aware that their cellphone may have certain vulnerabilities and that…
Update Android Device Whenever Prompted

Update Android Device Whenever Prompted

If you want to keep your Android smartphone or any other device thoroughly secure, you should care about keeping your apps and operating system up-to-date. Not updating your OS (Operating…
What is Cryptocurrency Mining Malware

What is Cryptocurrency Mining Malware

Cryptocurrency mining malware is typically a very stealthy malware that uses the resources on people’s devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.), without their consent or knowledge, to secretly mine cryptocurrency and…
Avoid Suspicious Emails, URLs & Websites

Avoid Suspicious Emails, URLs & Websites

The best way to stay safe on the internet is to stay away from harmful sources.Phishing attacks are one of the most common cyber threats out there. During phishing attacks,…
Delete Apps You Don’t Need

Delete Apps You Don’t Need

It’s common to have loads of apps on your devices, many of which you might not have opened in months or even years. In some cases, these are apps that…
Free VPNs Can Be Bad for Your Privacy

Free VPNs Can Be Bad for Your Privacy

There are dozens of free VPNs out there that promise to protect your privacy by keeping you anonymous on the internet and hiding your browsing history. Well, be skeptical of…