How to Stop Getting So Much Spam Emails

How to Stop Getting So Much Spam Emails

Spam or unsolicited e-mail is a big business for those selling goods and services, and those providing the facilities to send SPAM. Most of the spam messages you receive in your email account are from the newsletter, applications, websites, deals, offers etc. you have subscribed to.

In addition, anytime there is a data breach, the stolen email addresses are usually sold to spammers who will then try to sell you all manner of stuff via email. Besides being annoying, there are also those that will use the emails addresses to try to infect your device with malware or ransomware.

You can take steps to limit the volume of messages you receive:

• Be careful who you give your email address to.
• Always check the box saying don’t contact me with marketing emails and promotion and also the box about not consenting to your email address being shared with third party firms.
• Unsubscribe from websites and services you don’t use anymore at present.
• Don’t be tempted to reply. Replying will confirm that your address is active and probably attract even more spam.
• Mark each spam message as junk/spam with your email provider. Future emails should be directed to the spam folder.
• If you are getting loads of spam email, consider changing your email address to a clean account, with a company that has a good spam filter – Google’s Gmail for example. If you are on loads of spammers lists, that may be the only way to stop all the spam.