How to Create Strong Passwords That are Easy to Remember

How to Create Strong Passwords That are Easy to Remember

Strong passwords are important for keeping your online accounts and personal information safe from cyber criminals. As the first line of defense against cyber criminals gaining access to your online accounts, passwords should be only known to you.

To keep your online accounts and the information within them safe from cyber criminals, it is essential to use a strong password which is long and random and hence not easy to crack.

Here’s how to create a long (at least 12 characters) and random password in two steps that you can remember easily.

Step 1: Use five different words that relate to a memory that is unique to you. e.g. Learthowtocookwell

Step 2: Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers or symbols to make it even harder to crack. e.g. LearthowtoCOOKwell8

It’s easy, so don’t wait until it is too late. Start using strong passwords for your online accounts today.