Don’t Click ‘Unsubscribe’ From Spam Emails

Don’t Click ‘Unsubscribe’ From Spam Emails

Like most everyone else, you probably receive spam and phishing emails all the time.
If a spam email makes it through to your device, do not click “unsubscribe” in the message options as it won’t help you avoid it in the future. All it will do is end up attracting even more malicious junk in the future, and possibly worse.

By clicking the unsubscribe link you are doing exactly what the spammer wants – you are showing your account is valid, that it’s active, that you are giving them attention, and that they were able to convince you to click on what is potentially a dangerous link.

Moreover, that link could take you to a malicious website that will download malware, such as a virus or trojan program, onto your device without your knowledge and/or trick you into falling for a scam offer of some sort.

The best way to handle spam and other forms of unwanted email is to simply mark them as “SPAM” or “Junk” (depending on which word your email provider uses) and then delete them without even opening them. This should cut down or eliminate the emails you get from that address and also help you clean out your email inbox.