Cyber Safety: Stay Vigilant Online

Cyber Safety: Stay Vigilant Online

All the VPNs, antivirus programs, and password managers in the world can’t protect you from yourself. You need to keep your guard up online and your wits about you. If you’re on social media and someone messages you saying they’re in trouble and need you to send money fast, don’t panic and open up Venmo. Contact the person by another means and you’ll probably find that you’ve been targeted by scammers. Be careful of phishing emails and social engineering attacks. They’re getting more common and more sophisticated, and it only takes a brief lapse in judgment or moment of weakness to fall victim to one.

As cybercriminals get more sophisticated and more skilled, you need to be even more on your guard when you go online. Stay safe as you use the internet, and avoid losing time, money, and peace of mind to a cybercriminal.