Common Mobile-Centric Threats

Common Mobile-Centric Threats

The mobile threat landscape is a fast growing risk. Attackers keep finding new ways to trick users into actions which allow malicious infiltration onto their devices and theft of highly confidential identity data.

Given the large amount of personal information that can be contained on a mobile device and associated with increasing security threats, the importance of security application cannot be overstated. Criminals want to catch you with your guard down and it only takes a moment!

Targeting innocent victims through their mobile devices is becoming more common with attack vectors including:

  • Mobile phishing is on the rise with a new phishing site launched every 20 seconds. With more web traffic now taking place on mobile than desktop, scammers are hitting victims with device-centric scams that leverage SMS and popular apps like WhatsApp.
    There are numerous channels to reach a mobile device that, unlike email, are not under phishing protection. This makes mobile devices a good choice for attacks, to commit fraud directly or as a part of a larger attack.
  • Malware – spyware, ransomware, trojan, banker, adware – are all increasing and becoming more aggressive. They aim to steal data or lock the user out of data to cause inconvenience.
  • Malicious URLs sent via email, text, social or instant messaging and other apps, are almost impossible for a user to detect with phishing sites now utilizing HTTPS certification or Punycode attacks.
  • Rogue Wi-Fi hotspots involve hackers masquerading as a free public Wi-Fi network and enticing users to connect allowing the theft of identity data.
  • Counterfeit apps, many of which are found on official App stores, require permissions to download. Detailed data from users, including geographic location information, email addresses and device unique identifier numbers, is easily siphoned off by hackers.