Check Your Phone for Spyware

Check Your Phone for Spyware

Hackers design spyware to hide it in your phone’s user interface so it can do its job discreetly. Some spyware can even access your iCloud account and monitor every activity on your smartphone. Some clues that you may have spyware:

  1. Your phone’s battery is draining quickly without heavy usage.
  2. Your phone overheats while doing simple tasks.
  3. You receive unusual messages with gibberish text in them.
  4. You have apps on your phone that you do not remember installing.

If you have a good antivirus app (like RedFox Security & Antivirus) on your phone, it should have the option to check for any smartphone spyware.
Other than the scan, you can try to avoid spyware by not downloading apps – especially paid ones being offered for free – from unknown or shady websites and by installing regular updates and security patches.