Tips to Protect Yourself from Phishing Emails

Tips to Protect Yourself from Phishing Emails

The best way to protect yourself from malicious emails is to stop them from reaching you. Use a spam filter to catch these messages before they get to your inbox.

Spammers and scammers can be clever though, and some messages might still make it through to your inbox. To protect yourself from these malicious messages:

• Check the sender’s email address – does it appear to come from a legitimate source?
• Be suspicious of messages that aren’t addressed directly to you, or don’t use your correct name.
• Check that the links contained in the email are legitimate. Access the website by typing the address into a browser, not by clicking on a provided link.
• Never open an attachment that you’re unsure about as it may contain malicious software designed to infect your device.
• Ensure you have up-to-date anti-virus software installed on any device used to access email.