How to Avoid Downloading Malicious Apps from App Stores

How to Avoid Downloading Malicious Apps from App Stores

Malicious apps can use clever tricks to bypass the security screening designed to keep them out of app stores, often posing as commonly used or high-profile applications. They can remain in app stores for months at a time before being uncovered and removed, although not before being downloaded, in some cases by hundreds of thousands of victims.

Users should be wary when downloading apps. Checking reviews can give an indication if something is wrong. Often, people who’ve lost out to cyber criminals after downloading the app will mention that this has been the case, while reviews could also suggest that the application is fake if it doesn’t work as advertised.

In addition, be sure to have a good mobile security application.
Mobile security app can be your first line of defense if you stumble upon malware. It can alert you to suspicious apps and downloads before you even click, making it much easier for you to spot fake apps. A good mobile security app will help you keep your phone clear of nasty surprises.