Mobile Malware is a Real Threat

Mobile Malware is a Real Threat

Smartphones are no longer just a communication tool. Nowadays they hold a lot of data – from your favorite dessert recipes to location, work and financial data.
The combined value of all the information on the average smartphone makes malware extremely dangerous.

Malware installation is very prevalent. In the year 2021, 46% of smartphone owners downloaded and installed a malware mobile app. And that’s a lot. Especially considering the malware’s ‘nature’ to infect more devices and rapidly expand using the contacts on the phone.

Once installed, a mobile malware has one major goal: to get significant rights to manage the device to collect sensitive information with malicious intent.

Here are several ways such malware can get on one’s smartphone:

• Popups and fake alerts on sketchy websites that say that one needs to run a security check or download the new version of a program;
• SMS and email phishing. It can be anything from claiming a prize to proving your identity with your SSN, such messages often hide behind close to the actual ones numbers and email addresses;
• File sharing services – malware can be hidden behind illegal music or movies downloads;
• Fake and clickbait links;
• Unauthorized mobile apps on official platforms, like Google Play or Apple Store.

The users have a big responsibility when it comes to the security of their devices. To prevent malware from infecting your devices you should:

• Browse on safe and trusted websites
• Be mindful of what apps you’re installing on your mobile
• Install apps only from trusted sources
• Install a good anti-virus software
• Update all software regularly