What is Phishing & How to Protect Yourself from It

What is Phishing & How to Protect Yourself from It

Phishing refers to different types of online scams that ‘phish’ for your personal and financial information (e.g., your passwords, Social Security Number, bank account information, credit card numbers, or other personal information).

As phishing messages can come from a many sources, including: email, SMS, fraudulent apps, messaging apps, social media messages, and advertisements. You can not really stop phishing on your phone unless you stop using all the applications mentioned above which is not really practical.
But you can still protect yourself against them.

  1. Always use your wit to analyze and check suspicious emails, URLs you are led to, WhatsApp forwards, etc., and stay clear of anything even slightly suspicious.
  2. Don’t open or save attachments in suspicious or unsolicited messages.
  3. Never share personal information like credit card numbers, unless you can verify the recipient is who they claim to be.
  4. Consider installing an anti-phishing app (like RedFox Anti-Phishing & Scam Detector) that will help you quickly and efficiently detect any malicious website link that comes to you via email, social networks, messaging apps or via SMS.