Beware of Malicious Mobile Bots

Beware of Malicious Mobile Bots

A mobile bot is a type of malware that runs in the background on a device that isn’t protected by an anti-virus application. Bots for mobile devices behave similarly to bots for computers. If you get infected, your device will be added to a botnet and utilized for whatever criminal acts the hacker/botnet owner can think of. A hacker can gain access to all of the data, apps, and internet activity with the malware.

File-sharing and spam bots are the two most common types that pose a real risk to your personal security. The former tricks users into clicking a malicious link or downloading malicious files, while the latter floods the users inbox with unsolicited spam emails, links, and other junk.

What effects does a botnet have on a device?
When a device joins a botnet, the hacker or botnet owner can:
• copy all existing data from the device
• download malicious apps/payload on the device
• block outgoing and incoming calls and texts
• make calls and send texts
• gain access to user accounts (banking details, username, password)
• use internet connection for malicious activities

How to Protect Yourself
In addition to installing antivirus software, here are some extra tips to protect yourself.

• Don’t click any suspicious links.
• Don’t share personal information on unsecured online platforms.
• Don’t grant apps broad permissions, and only let apps access what they need to function.
• Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.