Don’t Recycle Your Passwords

Don’t Recycle Your Passwords

If you’re like many individuals, you’re probably using the same handful of passwords for just about everything you do. If you want to use the same password for Facebook and Twitter, that’s your decision, but don’t use the same password for your American Express card, your debit card, your Facebook, and your smart TV.

You also need to avoid recycling your passwords. What does this mean? Well, often, websites requiring passwords will have you change your password every few months to “improve security.” The problem with this is most people will simply swap in a different password they’ve been using on another website or service.
This really doesn’t make you any safer. In fact, whenever you swap out and recycle an old password for what you’ve been using, you actually make yourself more vulnerable.

If you’re required to enter a new password, make it an actual new one, not one you’ve been using on and off for the last decade.