How Does Malware Enter Our Mobile Devices?

How Does Malware Enter Our Mobile Devices?

For most people, smartphones and tablets are now essential to managing our lives. They allow us to shop, pay bills, manage accounts and communicate with the rest of the world. With so much valuable personal data available, our mobile devices are extremely attractive targets for hackers.
Unsurprisingly, this has led to a rise in malware that attacks Android smartphones.

So how hackers are getting their malware onto devices?

A large study into Android malware found that the number one source of infections were malicious apps.
An app may appear to be beneficial – offering free access to something that should cost money – but it actually contains a virus. People who take the bait and install these malicious apps are often surprised to find that instead of the promised free material they were hoping for, their entire smartphone is locked, or their data is stolen, and they are faced with threats.

Some of these malicious apps can be found in Google Play Store because they slip through the cracks, often disguised as legitimate ones. As an example, a fake camera app recently appeared in the Google Play store and managed to secure more than 100,000 downloads before being detected and removed.

Another major source of infection is the web. When we use our mobile device and its web browsers for surfing the net and accessing our emails without any safety net in place, infections, spyware, adware and malware with a few instances of even ransomware enters our device.
This happens because many sites, emails have hidden scripts attached to them. So, when one access these said sites or opens an email which has hidden malware on it, these worms, infections, spyware and adware get a free reign in using our device and sending its data to the hackers. This is a major breach of security, both cyber and personal.

How to safeguard your device

Install a mobile anti-malware app. While there are many Anti-Malware protection services available in the market, you better install an app that offers complete malware solution for your device like RedFox Mobile Security. This application safeguards one’s mobile device in real-time due to which, one gets maximum protection.

You should also make sure to keep your smartphone’s operating system (Android or iOS) up to date at all times.

Another tip is to always look over your cell phone bill every month to make sure there aren’t charges from apps that you never downloaded.