Delete Apps You Don’t Need

Delete Apps You Don’t Need

It’s common to have loads of apps on your devices, many of which you might not have opened in months or even years. In some cases, these are apps that we downloaded for specific purposes, such as planning or a special event or vacation, and no longer need them afterwards, or we may have previously downloaded apps that are no longer useful or interesting to us and thus never use.

While it’s unlikely that apps working behind the scenes will use excessive amounts of data, they still take up considerable storage space on your device and more importantly, they can pose a security risk. If you gave them permission to access your information when they were downloaded, they can still send it back to their motherships.

Unless these apps include vital information or functionality, it’s a good security practice to delete them. Not only will you free up space, you’ll save yourself problems arising from their use of outdated or vulnerable features and avoid unnecessary data collection.