Web-Based Mobile Security Threats

Web-Based Mobile Security Threats

Web-based threats are subtle and tend to go unnoticed. They happen when people visit affected sites that seem fine on the front-end but, in reality, automatically download malicious content onto devices.

A web-based mobile attack is usually achieved through phishing or spoofing. Attackers will send an email, text, or other instant message that looks as if it was from a trusted source—but the message contains a malicious link or attachment. When users click through or provide personal information, the bad actor can then gain unauthorized access to their mobile device or steal credentials to spoof identities.

How to protect yourself?
• Avoid questionable websites, especially those without HTTPS enabled.
• Only download software from sites you trust. Carefully evaluate free software and file-sharing applications before downloading them.
• Don’t open links or messages from suspicious or unofficial sites.
• Rather than clicking links or banners in an email or on the web, simply enter the URL manually into the address bar.
• Use reliable anti-virus software like RedFox Mobile Security on the device to detect and eliminate any threats.